upset woman in bed with partner 460x305 300x198 The Things Sexy Girls Shouldnt Do In the Bedroom I always find it hilarious when sexy girls need advice with regards to sex.  Personally, the responsibility lies on the guy to perform, and the girl to direct faster, slower, harder, right there, a little to the left, to the right. Guys have pretty simple needs when it comes to pleasing us sexually.  We really don’t ask for much, but all the magazine articles make it seem like we’re made of a complex matrix of codes that’s too hard figure out in bed.  I’m not saying you just clock in and clock out, because it’s always great to mix it up, but you don’t have to pull something out from left field to get things done.  It’s quite hard for sexy girls to suck when having sex, but here are a few ways they can:
  •  Machine gunning our junk
From what I’ve heard through the grapevine, a lot of female magazines tell its readers to treat our pleasure pole like an ice cream cone.  Sometimes they say nibble at it a little.  If you’re not into giving blowjobs and just want to give a hand job, please use some kind of lube.  Your favorite bottle of KY, your spit, hand lotion, a stick of butter you can use anything safe and slick to avoid making our hot rod get road rash.  Slow, long and wet generally lead to bigger and more pleasant climaxes.
  •  Finger up the ass
Having quite a double standard, do we?  Many guys do all sorts of groveling just to get their girl to do anal, and those who end up caving in rarely enjoy the experience.  Yet, we’ll leave the country if you even hint at sticking anything up our ass.  I’ve had the unfortunate experience of having a couple of girls try this on me and it’s a total boner killer that is near impossible to come back from.
  •  Chocking, hitting, scratching
Some people might be into this, but if you’re getting it on with a new partner, you might want to save the asphyxiation until the third date.  This is probably something you should both discuss before diving into it head-first.
  •  Stay silent
So trash talking is out, and you’re probably not that good in talking dirty.  But if the only things we hear are crickets, the bed squeaks and the occasional ball slap, things can get awkward.  You don’t have to say anything award-winning, but moaning in pleasure or whispers of “yes” can go a long way.
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american dating service 25 300x199 Things Hot Girls Want You to Do Without Being Asked Ever wonder why hot girls get annoyed when their boyfriends didn’t do something they wanted them to do, even if they didn’t actually spell it out for them?  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that men are far from being psychic, which can be a big problem for hot girls who want guys to know how to read their minds.  If you’ve failed playing Professor X one too many times, or have stared confused at her disgusted face, this list is for you.
  •  Stop trying to fix it and just let us vent
This may go against everything you guys stand for in trying to find answers in every problem or even suggest a solution, but there are times when this is not the best solution.  Sometimes we just want you to be supportive, shut up and just listen.
  •  Be willing to skip bro time once in rare circumstances
This may sound like “ditching your friends and being whipped,” but this is not what it means.  There may be times when she gets all crazy and tell you to go out with your buddies instead of doing something with her you’re not that thrilled to do, but they are lying.  What she really means is “I’m going to make you pay for this.”  She is just hoping you skip on carrying on with your “cooler” plans and be considerate enough to be with her.  If you feel like it’s a trap, it would be best to be on the safe side and ask her if she wants you to stick to her side.
  •  Do something thoughtful and unsolicited
This doesn’t have to be something grand, but sometimes it feels nice to be sweet just because.  You don’t have to get her an expensive box of chocolates or a dozen red roses, which is kind of cliché if you ask me, but it could be the small, meaningful things like bringing her a cup of coffee while she’s nursing a hangover or letting her pick the restaurant you want to have a meal at.  Guys are inclined to give gifts that are more about them and less about their girls, so showcasing your thoughtful side can score major points, especially if it’s not even asked.
  •  Know when to step up and when to step back
Family matters, girl issues or things that can get you arrested these are the instances where you should maintain a low profile.  It’s nice to come to our honor’s defense when a guy starts to hit on us, but don’t start a brawl over it.  However, there are times when we would like you to step up and take the initiative, even if we don’t ask you to.  Never make your girl make the first move, open her own car door or introduce herself to your family, friends, or colleagues.  That’s your job, guys, and don’t’ you forget that.
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 Dating Tips Online on Being the Perfect Date A new study suggests that men will spend up to $300 on a first date. To make sure it’s money well spent, here are a few dating tips online to make you be the perfect date.
  • Never talk about sex
If she’s still drinking and laughing with you at the bar you took her to after dinner, then sex is likely the table. However, mentioning sex will make her feel under pressure. Our dating tips online have you say, “I don’t want this night to be over.” It’s romantic, hints on wanting to have sex, but puts the ball in her court.
  • Taxi to her place
Nothing is more of a mood killer than public transport, so get a cab and make it to her place. She’ll feel more comfortable there.
  • Never assume
Don’t ever assume sex is going to happen the moment you walk through her door. Skilled strategists take one step at a time, so dine with her, drink, talk and then kiss. Kissing is a huge turn on for women.
  • To the bedroom
Lock those lips for a good 10 to 15 minutes, and then tell her how wonderful she is. Next, take her hand and lead her towards the door and stop. Look into her eyes and tell her it’s alright for you to wait. Nothing is sexier and more guaranteed to get into a girl’s pants than a guy saying, “I am horny, but since you’re special, I’m not in it for a quick fling.”
  • STOP!!!
Now that you have her pants down, keep your up. Wait, WHAT?! I know, I know, but hear me out first. Regardless of how liberated she is, if you’ve banged her, she will wake up the next day thinking, “Oh my god!” She’ll have thoughts that will make her feel bad about herself, which will inherently make her see you in a bad light. So instead of getting it on with her…
  • Work that tongue
Give her wonderful, orgasmic oral sex and say, “C’mon, we don’t have to rush things.” These words may be ridiculously hard to say, but it will be worth it. Why? It’s pretty simple. When you have sex sooner rather than later, it will most likely be just one time. Do this and you are guaranteed a lot of times for mind-blowing sex.
Young couple in changing room portrait1 300x199 Flirting with Hot Girls on the Go You got on and the mall you’re headed to? Where could these hot girls be going, and what are they doing in your side of town anyway? The awful truth is, when you have one of these encounters, you just generally stare blankly into space with your iPod earphones in because you think it makes you look kind of a mysterious and sexy man who got his shit together. But actually, you just look like a miserable lonely bastard. To gently steer you in the right direction in charming those hot girls you encounter on the bus without looking like a doofus, read on.
  • Eye contact
If you can’t bring yourself to face the probably dangers of starting a conversation that may be ignored, then the best alternative is to eye fuck the shit out of each other. Check out the goods; just be sure to blink and act normal, so you don’t look like a creeper. Make eye contact for a couple of seconds to make your interest known to her. If she reciprocates, look away for a stop or so. A clever way to know if someone is checking you out is by doing a big yawn. If she yawns too, this means she’s been looking at you when you’re looking away.
  • Write a note
This is the ballsiest approach by far. If you fancy the pants off her, then write her a note. This certainly beats racing down the street to go after her or trapping her in her seat like frightened prey, plus she can show it to her friends who would then persuade her to call you. Keep it simple pencil down that she’s gorgeous, that it would be great to see her again, and be sure to write your name and number. Try to make it charming and witty, without being sounding like a stalker. It’s spontaneous and it shows you’ve got cojones. Large ones.
  • Bond
Fact: 99 percent of people that get on public transportation who are not you can be annoying. You will not be able to do anything about this, but ally yourself with fellow passengers over disagreeable drivers, horrendously loud conversations or the delight in the happenstance of people getting trapped in doors. Under these conditions, you can make this fellow passenger the girl of your dreams easily. It’s a great way to get a conversation rolling, and entertain her with your commentary. Roll your eyes, let out a breath of disappointment, flash a charming smile and speak your mind. There is nothing quite like having a mutual hatred on a fellow human being to create a spark of love.
 The Best Adult Sex from the Experts That better way to get adult sex advice than from the experts themselves? If you think you are totally inept in the bedroom and look like a doofus when pleasuring a woman, go over this list of the best adult sex tidbits of very useful information from the best source you can get them the experts.

  • Stay in the shallow end

American sex researchers Master and Johnson have discovered that the outer third of the vagina is the most sensitive part of the female genitalia.

  • Make her scream

A key chemical for sexual arousal is an adrenaline boost, according to sex and relationship therapist Paula Hall, who also suggests that a scary horror flick can put you both in the mood to do the dirty.

  • Don’t ask, pay attention

This is one, if not the single most important thing you can do to boost your sex life, according to the author of “Revolutionary Sex” Allex Allman. “Asking her what she wants won’t work, but taking note of what she responds to does,” he says.

  • Try role-playing, but get the plot right

According to sexologist Tracy Cox, the better planned out your erotic backstory is, the more exciting your ensuing “chance encounter with your prince charming/fireman/dominatrix will be.

  • Treat her vagina like ice cream

As instructed by writer A. L. Harper, she says you should flatten your tongue when performing oral sex to your girl. “Your tongue should cover as much surface area as possible,” she says.

  • Work your tongue sideways

Licking her up and down will make her tell you to stop, according to adult sex educator Jamye Waxman. She believes the south to north technique is too much for a sensitive spot.

  • Give and you shall receive

Sex counselor Ian Kerner points out that if you do something for your partner, like a massage, then she is more likely to do something to you. Read: mind-blowing blowjob.

  • Watch her face

This is the adage that iconic porn star Ron Jeremy lives by. He explains that if your girl is making a face that looks forced when having sex, then she’s just pretending to enjoy the whole experience. But if she looks like she has been punched in the kidneys, then she’s in the moment.

  • Hit her G-spot

Orgasms that arise from g-spots are titanic and intense, according to sexpert Dr. Ava Cadell. They are totally different from the orgasms of clitoral nature she usually gets.
When you meet a cool girl you like, you ask her out, go on a date, see a movie, have dinner, and all that jazz. It can either be awkward, or it can be fantastic. And since you’re out on a date, you have every intention to know her intimately. Of course, you expect her to make you work for it, and as guys, we most certainly will, because maybe, just maybe she’s that rare one we’ve been looking for all our lives. We all know that women are still caught up in the stigma of having adult sex with guys on the first date, wherein hey think they are considered a slut when this happens. This is the reason why chances of this happening are pretty slim, unless, of course, you met her at some adult dating site.

Let’s just say the girl decides to invite him in and f*ck the living daylights out of him. Here is all a woman needs to know about what’s going on inside a guy’s mind.

  • The Pros
We’re not a hookup, we’re your date – If we’ve shared something to you that’s worth seeing each other again, wouldn’t you be interested in a little more than dinner and a movie? Wouldn’t you like to see us sans clothes, and then let us show you what you were interested in knowing from the start?

It is something fun to share – I’m pretty sure you’ve taken your hook ups home, had adult sex with them and sent them on their way. Of course, you will never see them again under these circumstances. However, the next time you go out with your date, you will have a lot of intimate things to discuss and share insights, jokes, observations, secrets to share that you would never have done with Johnny Beefcake, the douchebag who didn’t stay to spoon and watch you hustle to work to avoid being late.

  • The Cons
To be honest, if you suck at adult sex, we will definitely lose interest. A lot of women think that the very act itself is enough for us. This is where they are wrong. We are expecting the same mind-blowing experience you’re expecting; it’s a two-way street. Don’t think just because you spread those legs and prop a pillow under your head that we’re all set. It takes a whole lot more than that, honey.

To tell you the truth, there are a lot of guys who are just looking to add a notch to their belts. But since you are intuitive and quite sensitive, you will be able to spot them from a mile away. So if you hold back on the first date, you will most likely never hear from them again.

I assume all you guys know where to find the girls, and it’s not exactly that difficult to stumble across them since they make up more than half the world’s population and given that you’re always looking. But how in the name of all that’s holy are you supposed to approach them and start a conversation? You’ve scanned the place they are gathered, you’ve targeted your prey using your very own intricate hotness detection system to ensure the laws of probability stand in your favor, and the only thing you have to do is approach and talk to her. It’s fairly easy, you might think. All you have to do is say the first thing that pops in your head anything to draw her attention to you.

Whoa, hold your horses!

Don’t you have any idea about the stats that come out of making a first impression? In case you don’t know yet, people form a good, solid opinion of someone in the first 15 seconds of meeting them, and it’s tough to change that opinion once it’s there one can only build upon it. So using that stupid joke to break the ice might be taking away months of action from you.

With all this in mind, we’re here to give you a few dating tips online that we have gathered from various dating experts and lovely women themselves on both the right and wrong things to say to make those critical 15 seconds lead to, uhm, more seconds. These dating tips online will also help you stop her from running back to her friends with another amusing “you won’t believe what that creeper just said to me” story.

Of course, a lot of this will depend on where your charm attack will take place, and how drunk you are, because there are some hunting grounds that are tougher to navigate than others. For instance, a crowded bar filled with unruly drunks bumping into each other is obviously far different from a deafeningly quiet bookshop during the day. However, there are a few ground rules that apply to all whenever, wherever.

Regardless of what you say, always wear a smile. You might have been perfecting that broody look for quite some time now, and you know James Bond doesn’t approach his women with a huge grin on his face, but a smile makes girls instantly feel comfortable. It also makes you look like a relaxed and happy person, even if the people in your immediate surroundings are watching you and willing you to fall flat with that stupid smile on your face.

Another good idea is to engage her in a little conversational foreplay, if you will, by making eye contact and smiling at her before going for the kill. This way she can be prepared. However, be careful not to stare, especially when it’s directed below her neckline. Just a quick sexy glance and a charming smile will do.

The things that are unknown to us about the Internet aren’t worth knowing. But we have to admit, although we consider ourselves as net experts, we are not totally familiar with having free sex online. But we already know we like sex, and we like the Internet. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a combination of the two? What is free sex online?

Free sex online, or as many call it cyber sex, is a virtual sexual experience between two people through the Internet. It involves the exchange of sexually explicit messages akin to a game of sexually charged online tennis sans, you know, all the tennis equipment. It has many benefits, which involves a little self-pleasuring on both parties.

What’s good about it?

Free Sex Online gives you the opportunity to experiment and appreciate the awesome uses of the webcam. You can play with different ideas you have never tried in the bedroom and see how well they’ll be received.

Now that you have a good grasp of what it is, how is this done the right way?
  • Find a girl – Obviously, to do this, you will need someone to do it with. There are a lot of chat rooms and forums that let you meet girls online.
  • Invest on a webcam or mic – Both are essential so you can have your hands free to, uhm, type. Remember, try not to be too elated if you chance upon a girl with a webcam because women are more stimulated mentally, so take time to tell her what you would do if you were together. Be visual and descriptive. And if she’s really hot, try to play it cool, okay?
  • Have some privacy – This goes without saying, obviously. It would be extremely awkward if a family member, friend or girlfriend walks in on you trying to have virtual sex with a generously proportioned woman at the other end of the webcam.
  • Use a good username – It may be hard not to use JamesBond007 or SexMachineXXX, but choose your username carefully. After all, this is your first step in making a good first impression in the chat rooms or forums that are your hunting grounds. It would be best not to use your real name too, in case your friends use the same sites too.
  • Be creative – This is plain and simple use your imagination. This is your chance to experiment with things you might be too afraid to try in real life. You can also bask in the joy of not needing to cuddle after you’re done, and you can just hit the sack as soon as you log off.

hot couple 300x199 Massage Tips:  Rubbing Your Casual Sex Partners the Right Way If you think a good massage involves greasing your casual sex partners up like a fast food burger, then our tantric masseuse gives you this handy guide to becoming a massage maestro.  Read on.
  •  Set the Scene
Your primary concern is making sure the room you’ll be using is nice and comfortable.  You’ll want your casual sex partners to feel relaxed.  Use some towels to absorb the massage oil.  Make use of soft lighting scented candles or dim lamps because it’s more flattering.  Ask her to take a shower first, so she’s clean and has warm skin.
  •  The Feet
For a relaxing start, go with the feet first.  A good foot massage will immediately make her feel relaxed and forget all her troubles.  Firmly but gently work along the sole.  You don’t have to spend much time there, but just a few minutes can make a huge difference.
  •  The Legs
Move on to her legs and use long, smooth strokes, using your palms while keeping your fingers together.  The objective of a sensual massage is to build her into a state of excitement, so stroke over her butt.  At this point, you could stroke her gently down between her legs, slowly exciting her with your fingers.  It is crucial to maintain a gentle touch throughout this process.
  •  The Back
Use similar strokes up her back and around the shoulders.  Many women really like it when guys play with their neck and ears, so blow gently into her ear and around her neck.  If you can’t help it, you could also use a little tongue, but just a little.  You wouldn’t want to slobber over her like a St. Bernard over dropped ice cream.  She will definitely not like this. •    The Abdomen Regardless of what a woman says, she is likely to be a little paranoid about her tummy.  This is the reason why women prefer to be massaged when they’re lying on her stomach.  It makes them feel safe and comfortable.  To do this, it’s better to start with her face down, and just try to turn her over once she feels more relaxed.
  •  The Breasts
Once you have her turned over and lying flat on her back, gently stroke the outside area of her breasts in long figures of eight.  She may even enjoy it if you blow gently on her nipples.
  •  The Yoni
Yoni is a Sanskrit word for vagina.  For this part, you should switch from massage oil to lubricant.  When she’s lying face down, move your hand between her legs and gently stroke her down to the labia.  Move along to the length of each other lip, gently holding it between your forefinger and thumb for an extended moment.  This will result in a highly sexual experience.
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 Dating Tips Online: To Pay or Not to Pay?

What’s the standard etiquette on paying for dinner on a first date? On principle, I don’t mind, but I go out on a lot of dates and it’s getting pretty expensive. And isn’t it also a little old-fashioned with the fact that most of these women earn as much, or even more, than I do? Does it look like I’m paying in return for getting laid? What do you do? – Brian Mitchell

To help Brian and give him a couple of dating tips online, we asked the assistance of two different women with slightly different takes on the matter.  Which of these dating tips online is better?  You be the judge.

Offering to pay for dinner on a first date is not like paying for you to bang her. It sends out a message to the girl you’re dating, saying “I’m a man. I will build you things and rid you of spiders and other creepy crawlies while you bake your cake.”  Not offering to pay, or even suggesting to split the bill on a first date is deplorable.  If I was out on a date with you and you got your wallet out upon asking for the check, I would probably offer to share, unless you’ve spent the whole evening just talking about yourself.  Maybe that’s where your mistakes lie? – Helen

Yes, I agree.  It’s totally old-fashioned, but girls love it.  However, you should take this as a compliment, because if I don’t like the guy, I’ll insist on paying half I don’t want to feel indebted to him.  But if I do like him, I will let him pay.  Technically, if you asked her out on a date, it’s considered an invitation with you as the host, which would apply regardless if your guest is a guy or a girl.  Why not take your dates for a cocktail after work?  It’s going to save you time and money.  Sure, it may be a little straightforward, but in this way you can be more selective on who you want to take out for dinner.
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