For most guys, jealousy that is quite extreme can be a deal breaker in their adult dating partners. They would immediately end a relationship if their expensive suit got slashed or their car was torched, but for some, it can be the best aphrodisiac.

A jealous girlfriend is a guaranteed sign that you are in a lifetime of self-justification, surveillance, suspicion or maybe even a torched Bimmer or two. However, there is still a certain appeal to knowing your adult dating partner is psycho-crazy enough for you to check up on you every so often. But before you say “are you fucking nuts,” think back to past celebrity headlines when Lindsay Lohan went after her ex-lover Samantha Ronson all the way to London just a couple of months after Ronson’s family reportedly asked about a restraining order against Lindsay. Samantha caved.

There will come a point where it’s fair to say, “What the fuck, man?” It's hard to imagine why any well-adjusted man with options would stick around for another fireworks display of psychosis. But for some guys, the explanation is simple: He found Kerry's behavior erotic.

“I’m not a ripped California surfer dude,” says Jason who has been with Kathleen, his then extremely jealous girlfriend. “So when you have the most beautiful girl in the world fighting for you? That’s kind of… hot.”

It has been an exceptional year for the jealous female. There was a girlfriend charged with attempted murder by burning a lap dancer alive after dousing her with gasoline. Then there was former NFL quarterback Steve McNair that was found executed next to the body of a woman who shot him and herself. Investigators believed he was seen with another woman. And then there was the mother of all jealous partner horror stories: the Wisconsin philanderer who had his manhood glued to his abdomen. These stories aren’t just enthralling because they’re gruesome; they are enthralling because the peculiarity of the jealous female, as ancient as it is, still astonishes us.

According to Reid Mihalko, a sex and relationship expert, we are supposed to do everything to avoid it, so we have no tools to handle it, but legally it’s still a defense, which tells us our culture still views it as something you can't control." And, Mihalko says, virtually everyone, no matter how rational, has the potential to lose her shit.
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Now that the holiday season is upon us, a lot of you guys will be meeting your adult dating partner’s family for the first time. From huge gatherings to casual dinners with the immediate family, here are a few essential tips on how to establish a good first impression, regardless of the situation.

• Go for a classic style

It may be perfectly acceptable to have Thanksgiving dinner in your folks’ place prancing around in sweats, but no father wants to think his darling daughter is adult dating a bum. Go for a classic style, which means no sweats and graphic t-shirts. Denims and a sports jacket work everywhere. Always be clean-shaven from the neck up even if she likes the scruff, and spray on cologne so you can smell good when giving out warm hugs.

• Don’t show up empty handed

My mom always told me, “Never show up at a dinner party empty handed—especially during the holidays. So, for her mom, try giving a special dish or dessert, and have a nice story behind it. It may be an old family recipe handed down from generations, or something that came from this nice little Italian pastry shop you just discovered.

• Jump on the campaign trail

Of course, you know that your job here is let the whole family think you’re a good guy. In this regard, remember to shake hands, kiss those babies and the grannies. Always keep in mind that moms like a sweetheart and dads approve of a gentleman. Make sure you be both.

• Have something to say

This is not the right time to be shy or just sit in one corner. Join in on conversations and have your own stories to add. Just leave out the story about your frat brother, Skid Mark, who could drown a can of beer then immediately smash the empty can on his forehead.

• Always offer to lend a hand

Women’s work: These are the two words that shall not, under any circumstances, be uttered while you’re there. Early on, ask if you can help around, especially in the kitchen. When dinner is done, offer to help wash and dry the dishes and take out the trash. It is more likely for them to say no, in which case you can move on to the living room to mingle with the dad and uncles.
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To all, or maybe most of us and our friends, agreeing on adult dating just one dude implies a proclivity to monogamy. So going out with another guy the next day would therefore be cheating, which is a cruel thing to do to your adult dating partner.

I don’t even know the real reason why, but my generation believed that when you really liked someone, you should like them solely and exclusively. However, this age has produced guys who date multiple women like they are filling out an elimination bracket, and I even know a few of these guys who go adult dating with a variety of women because they get easily bored with just one set of tits. The number of these kinds of guys are growing everyday at the risk of making it part of the norm.

For you guys who prefer this kind of action, it can be a minefield. So, here are a few guidelines for being an ethical he-skank.

• Make sure you give out enough information.

There’s a big difference between avoiding the conversation about exclusivity and going into a relationship knowing you never want to have it. Saying, “I want to go out with other people” over a first date meal can be dismissive, so wait for the right time when it feels natural.

• Don’t give out too much information.

Honesty and total transparency are totally different. Tell her that you’re seeing other people . Don’t tell her that you don’t want to see “One Day” because you already saw it with a gorgeous Vietnamese accountant. That’s being dishonest. You absolutely want to see “One Day” again.

• Keep away from social media.

A good rule of thumb to follow is always act as if you’re having an affair. Refrain from adding friends of women you date, and absolutely no posting of photos on Flickr. One more thing, don’t ever give away your location through FourSquare, and you might as well have posted, “Mike just became mayor of another woman’s vajayjay.”

• Keep it casual.

If you’ve found someone who is cool with your tomcatting activities, congratulations! Get all emotional and you’re going to ruin it before you even say “hug me.” Don’t tell a girl “I’ve never met anybody like you” if you would still like to meet a bunch of women and have sex with them.

• Always be protected.

This goes without saying, actually. It’s a very unsafe world for unprotected sex.
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Attempt to talk to an impudent alpha female, using lines taken from “The Notebook” and she’ll probably shove a box of chocolates down your throat. Try teasing a shy girl about how her nose flares up when she talks, she might bawl uncontrollably. What you need to have to be a great pick up artist is calibration: using the right tools for the right situation. Every individual is different, but there are four major categories of characters you’re likely to encounter on a regular basis. Each of them has a code that needs to be cracked, so checkout our helpful guide below in hookup dating these types of women.

• The Ring Leader

Most likely to be seen: In the middle of her social circle with her friends at her command, defending them from men who would try to hit on them, and reigning over the birdhouse. She’s the boss and she knows it.

How to seduce her: Be alert for any signs of weakness. She is strong, and will not fully respect a man who is unwilling to challenge her. Just go with the flow and you’ll be able to stick around. Girls like guys who can partly agree with them, but who aren’t also afraid to voice their own opinions.

• The Cheerleader

Most likely to be seen: She is the super social babe, always laughing and surrounded by a group of her loyal friends—some she has known for more than ten years, others just over five minutes.

The cheerleader is the type who is always full of life and energy, so the last thing she wants is to go hookup dating with someone who will drag her down, or prevent her inner ball of fire from all those adventures waiting for her out there. The best thing to do is to approach her with as much energy, passion, enthusiasm and that megawatt smile.

• The Bookworm

More likely to be seen: They are now found in computer labs more than the library nowadays. The bookworm is quiet, analytical and not really impressed by any tricks involving cards, magic and other silly maneuvers that could make her friends squirm.

How to seduce her: This is the polar opposite of the cheerleader, which is someone who won’t appreciate you disturbing the order of her universe with anything clichéd, unfortunate, and humorous move. If you want to be funny, try channeling black comedies instead of slapstick. They are naturally aloof, so they don’t have the need to make new friends. This makes being friendly not much of an option. Be observant and have a calm demeanor when making an approach, with a kind of British secret agent coolness. Avoid delivering meaningless jokes, and instead be low energy and appear lost in thought. Once you’ve hooked her by showing that you too can be calm, cultured and not in the slightest bit melodramatic, impress her with a logistically well-thought date plan.

• The Hippie

Most likely to be seen: Speaking about vibes, energy, karma, the cosmic universe, and the astrological signs, the hippie can either be an outsider or a social butterfly.

How to seduce her: Look around for commonalities—ones based on experiences and feeling always rank higher than musical preferences—and then deliver them as if you’d just had an epiphany. “Vibe” is also a good word you can use to define why you approached her, which is perfect for concealing the fact that the reason why you made a move is because she was rocking in that fab see-through top.
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You’ll never guess when Leighton Meester’s far-sighted and sexually promiscuous twin will cross your path, so you better be damn ready hit on her. Here are four pickup scenarios and how to capitalize on them taken from our City Sex vault of essential guidelines.

• Aboard Airplanes

Most men rely on dumb luck, hoping they sit right next to a hot girl. Scratch that. Spot the girl you like before you board, approach her and try to establish a connection with a funny ice breaker. You can then say, “I hate to be stuck on this long flight next to a fat and smelly guy. Let’s sit together.” Once they agree, make a short conversation and then tune her out—put on your earphones to listen to music or go to sleep. This will show her you’re not a conversation terrorist. Resume talking around 30 minutes before touchdown.

• In Elevators

You will have very little time, so our City Sex tips say be interesting, avoid being creepy and be efficient. A friend once in an elevator when a gorgeous woman stepped in as the door closed. “You take your time, don’t you?” he said with a smile. When the door opened as it stopped on other floors, he’d say, “This thing is trying to get rid of you.” She found this funny and figured he was different from the other guys, so he asked for her number.

• In Traffic

This requires even more quickness and guts than in elevators. Ask her to roll down her window, make sure you smile and look friendly then grab her interest immediately. Say something like, “Hi, you look like an expert. Let me ask your take on this dating concern my friend is having.” You can make something up, but before you finish your story, nod towards the changing traffic light, show her your phone and say, “We’re out of time! Can you give me your number? We can’t let my friend down.”

• When She’s with a Date

This is not recommended, but it usually works. When you’re out with friends and a gorgeous girl walks in with her date, ask them to join you. The guy will probably think, You’ll never guess when Leighton Meester’s far-sighted and sexually promiscuous twin will cross your path, so you better be damn ready hit on her. Here are four pickup scenarios and how to capitalize on them taken from our City Sex vault of essential guidelines.

• Aboard Airplanes

Most men rely on dumb luck, hoping they sit right next to a hot girl. Scratch that. Spot the girl you like before you board, approach her and try to establish a connection with a funny ice breaker. You can then say, “I hate to be stuck on this long flight next to a fat and smelly guy. Let’s sit together.” Once they agree, make a short conversation and then tune her out—put on your earphones to listen to music or go to sleep. This will show her you’re not a conversation terrorist. Resume talking around 30 minutes before touchdown.

• In Elevators

You will have very little time, so our City Sex tips say be interesting, avoid being creepy and be efficient. A friend once in an elevator when a gorgeous woman stepped in as the door closed. “You take your time, don’t you?” he said with a smile. When the door opened as it stopped on other floors, he’d say, “This thing is trying to get rid of you.” She found this funny and figured he was different from the other guys, so he asked for her number.

• In Traffic

This requires even more quickness and guts than in elevators. Ask her to roll down her window, make sure you smile and look friendly then grab her interest immediately. Say something like, “Hi, you look like an expert. Let me ask your take on this dating concern my friend is having.” You can make something up, but before you finish your story, nod towards the changing traffic light, show her your phone and say, “We’re out of time! Can you give me your number? We can’t let my friend down.”

• When She’s with a Date

This is not recommended, but it usually works. When you’re out with friends and a gorgeous girl walks in with her date, ask them to join you. The guy will probably think, “Cool! I can show off in front of her.” But he’ll never know what’s about to hit him. Talk to him as much as her, make him feel good and keep the conversation flowing. Make friends and get both their numbers then call the girl. If you made a good impression and the guy looks up to you, she will recognize this and be possibly attracted to you. “Cool! I can show off in front of her.” But he’ll never know what’s about to hit him. Talk to him as much as her, make him feel good and keep the conversation flowing. Make friends and get both their numbers then call the girl. If you made a good impression and the guy looks up to you, she will recognize this and be possibly attracted to you.