There’s he’s into you, and then there’s he’s totally crazy about you. There are little things that can tip a man over the edge. Hence, we ask ourselves this baffling question: Is there a certain event that can make a guy decide that he’s suddenly in love with her? The answer may not be clear, but there are a few general guidelines to find out. When it all comes down to it, men have four primal relationship desires that are easily sated by your tiniest moves when you hookup. We have experts explain how this works so you can have these insights to use when you feel your guy is at the brink.

The Desire to Be Protective

Protecting you from harm makes a man feel studly, which in turn makes him feel good. But this doesn’t mean you have to act helpless when you’re around him. Just letting him see your vulnerable side can bring him closer to you because it triggers his instincts to look after you. So give him opportunities to take charge, and thank him after. When you make a guy associate his feelings of being Superman, he’ll definitely want to hookup. These little things can draw out his heroic side.

The Desire to Have Freedom

Even guys who are emotionally healthy would want assurance that their identities will remain the same after they’ve coupled up. When you make it clear that you don’t expect him to change, he will feel that you genuinely understand him and not seem as a threat to his sense of self. This will leave him with a strong enough foundation to commit.

The Desire to Shine

He may be cocky, but he is still insecure in more ways than one. Keep in mind that guys need to know they are appreciated and respected. So when being around you boosts his self-esteem, both in himself and in the eyes of other people, he will naturally want to hookup with you.

The Desire for Comfort

The process of falling in love involves developing attachment to a person, which happens when the love hormone oxytocin floods the brain. You can unleash this by making him feel that you are just in sync with each other. When he feels so comfortable being with you that he stops thinking about your relationship because he just simply enjoys it, he’ll find his way going into love territory.

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